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The Antitrust Damages Directive: The Ideal of Just Compensation and the...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Veljko Milutinovic, Jan 21, 2015 The subject of this paper is the recently enacted...

Expanding EU Merger Control to Non-Controlling Minority Shareholdings: A Sledgehammer to...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Nicholas Levy, Dec 16, 2014 In July 2014, the European Commission issued a White...

Collective Redress Proposals for Europe: Seeking a Solution to a Non-Existent...

Luke Tolaini, Samantha Ward, Apr 29, 2011 The European Commission's public consultation on collective redress is the latest in a series of attempts at legislating for...

Collective Redress, More Consultations at the European Level But are We...

Ann Marie Galvin, Apr 29, 2011 Towards a Coherent European Approach to Collective Redress is the latest consultation by the European Commission ("Commission") on collective...

EU Proposals on Collective Redress – Lost in Consultation?

Andrew Jeffries, Apr 29, 2011 The European Commission launched in February 2011 another consultation on proposals for collective redress. This is open to April 30,...

Europe’s Long March Towards Antitrust Damages Actions

Robert O'Donoghue, Apr 29, 2011 The rather long and bumpy road towards a minimum level of harmonization of substantive rules and procedures for class actions...

Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law in Member State Courts: Experience...

Christopher Cook, Nov 01, 2008 A much cited 2004 study described private competition law litigation in Europe as being in a state of total underdevelopment....
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