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Attention Rivalry Among Online Platforms

Sep 30, 2013 CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) presents: Attention Rivalry Among Online Platforms - David S. Evans (GlobalEcon/UChicago This month...

Not Enough Girls in the Club: The European Antitrust Approach Towards...

Christian Ahlborn, Christoph Barth, Jun 17, 2013 Long before the era of e-commerce, girls would be let into nightclubs for free (or get bonus drinks)...

A few reflections on the FTC’s decision on Google

David Evans, Jan 08, 2013   The FTC’s 5-0 decision to drop its investigation into Google’s search-related practices is breathtaking. A number of companies had charged...

Emergence of Global Search Engines: Trends in History and Competition

Manish Agarwal, David Round, May 20, 2011 The web search market is an example of a two-sided market where internet users account for one side and...

The Pro-competitive Value of Closed Platforms & Walled Gardens: Some Thoughts...

Amanda Reeves, Daniel Wall, Mar 30, 2011 There has been a great deal of recent discussion, both inside and outside of antitrust circles, on the...

Sponsored Search Auctions: Simple Economics and Implications for Antitrust Policy

Renato Gomes, Jul 27, 2010 The most valuable asset of many two-sided platforms is their user base. In a celebrated example, Internet search engines (such...
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