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German Regulator Probes Edeka Deal 

Germany’s Federal Cartel Office carried out an in-depth examination (so-called 2nd phase) of the acquisition of up to 72 Real locations from Edeka Zentrale,...

Modernizing German Patent Law: Toward an Explicit Obligation for Proportionality Control...

By: Luc Desaunettes-Barbero, Reto Hilty, Daria Kim, Matthias Lamping, Peter R. Slowinski & Hanns Ullrich (Oxford Business Law Blog) Just over ten years after the...
Law and Justice

Facebook @ BGH

By Ruprecht Podzsun (D'Kart) Before today’s decision by the Bundesgerichtshof, the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) in the Facebook case, we in my team had...

Communication With The Bundeskartellamt During COVID-19 Crisis

You can contact the Bundeskartellamt as usual by e-mail, phone, or fax, as well as by mail. Deadlines can still be met by sending...

Tech Companies In German Crosshairs Over Competition Fears

Germany’s government has proposed a clampdown on anti-competitive behaviour by digital platforms, putting Berlin in the vanguard of European efforts to regulate companies including...

Germany’s Pressing Ahead: The Proposal for a Reformed Competition Act

By Rupprecht Podszun & Fabian Brauckmann (Heinrich Heine University)1 Germany’s Ministry of Economics has published its draft for the 10th amendment of the German competition...

The Transaction Value Threshold in Germany – Experiences with the New...

By Dr. Martin Sauermann, CFA (Bundeskartellamt)1 Introduction The takeover of WhatsApp by Facebook in 2014 was widely perceived as an eye-opener in the global competition policy...

CPI EU News: FCO Facebook Quadriptych

March 2019 CPI EU News Column edited by Thibault Schrepel, Sam Sadden & Jan Roth (CPI) presents: CPI EU News: FCO Facebook Quadriptych In early February 2019, the...

EU: EC publishes TenneT decision

On Friday, December 7, the European Commission announced that it has adopted a decision rendering legally binding commitments offered by German grid operator TenneT...

How to Reform the Law on Abusive Practices: The study that...

September 2018 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: How to Reform the Law on Abusive Practices: The study that...
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