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Tag: General Court

The EU General Court Confirms the Change in Article 22 EUMR Referral Policy

The EU General Court Confirms the Change in Article 22 EUMR...

On July 13, 2022, the General Court of the European Union confirmed the European Commission’s jurisdiction to review the Illumina/Grail transaction following a referral...

EU: General Court upholds bathroom cartel fine

The EU General Court has upheld a US$62 million fine on Sanitec for participating in the European bathroom fittings cartel, contradicting the court’s own...

EU: Cargo airlines file new appeal of €776m fine

In November 2010, the European Commission fined 11 air cargo carriers fines that nearly reached €800 million (US$938.2 million). Since that time, the EC...
The General Court’s Rulings in Airfreight: A Commentary

The General Court’s Rulings in Airfreight: A Commentary

By Jeremy Robinson - In its Airfreight rulings, the EU General Court has measured a Commission decision on a complex set of circumstances against exacting criteria of...
Toshiba v. Commission – How (not) to Prove Awareness, and Decisively Influence People

Toshiba v. Commission – How (not) to Prove Awareness, and Decisively...

By Jacquelyn MacLennan & Aqeel Kadri On September 9, 2015, the EU General Court handed down its judgment in Case T-104/13 Toshiba v. Commission. The...
Alarm Clock, Wake Up

Haste Makes Waste (?) – Some Reflections on the European Court...

Jul 24, 2014 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Haste Makes Waste (?) - Some Reflections on the European Court of...

Who are the real winners and losers in the General Court?

Jan 24, 2014 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) presents: Who are the real winners and losers in the General Court? by...

Not Enough Girls in the Club: The European Antitrust Approach Towards...

Christian Ahlborn, Christoph Barth, Jun 17, 2013 Long before the era of e-commerce, girls would be let into nightclubs for free (or get bonus drinks)...
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