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Europe’s High Court Outlines GDPR Compensation & Data Rights

The European Union's top court made significant rulings related to data protection, reported TechCrunch.  There are two cases being addressed: one focuses on compensating for GDPR...

Ireland Fines Meta $414 Million Over Targeted Ads Using EU GDPR

The Irish Data Protection Commission fined Meta over $400 million Wednesday after finding its Facebook and Instagram services breached EU privacy rules, reported The New...
Towards Data Portability And Interoperability Under Brazilian Competition Law: Crafting Appropriate Legal Standards For Abuse Of Dominance By Victor Oliveira Fernandes

How Can Competition Policy And Privacy Protection Policy Interact?

While some initially argued that privacy was distinct and independent from competition enforcement, market realities and digitization have since then forced regulators to reflect...

EU’s Top Court Unblocks More GDPR Cases Against Tech Giants

A ruling by the European Union’s top court today is set to unblock a raft of litigation brought by consumer protection organizations seeking to...

Facebook v. Bundeskartellamt – May European Competition Agencies Apply the GDPR?

The relationship between privacy and competition law is complex and contentious. May or should competition agencies consider business conduct’s negative impact on privacy when...
Big Data Protection Big Problem

Big Data Protection: Big Problem?

Considerable debate exists as to the interaction of antitrust and privacy law. This nuanced debate encompasses many difficult questions: when is there a strong...
Data Sharing for Digital Market

Narrowing Data Protection’s Enforcement Gap

By Filippo Lancieri (University of Chicago) The rise of data protection laws is one of the most profound legal changes of this century. Yet, despite...

GDPR On The Rise As EU Officials Crack Down

Fines levied under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) jumped almost 40% in the past 12 months as EU regulators stepped up enforcement efforts,...
The CCPA and the GDPR Are Not the Same: Why You Should Understand Both

The CCPA and the GDPR Are Not the Same: Why You...

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) are milestone pieces of legislation, in major markets, one on...
Data Privacy in Adtech: Boon or Bust?

Data Privacy in Adtech: Boon or Bust?

AdTech has ridden the wave of data consumption and movement to exponential revenue growth. At the same time, in 2021, consumer privacy has reached...
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