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Tag: Gatekeepers

The Digital Markets Act: Towards A Compliance Concept For Gatekeepers By Christian Ritz, Benedikt Weiß & Tobias Kleinschmitt

The Digital Markets Act: Towards a Compliance Concept for Gatekeepers

The power structures in digital markets are currently the subject of the attention of legislators in various jurisdictions. This has been triggered by the...
Who Should Guard The Gatekeepers: Does The Dma Replicate The Unworkable Test Of Regulation 1/2003 To Settle Conflicts Between Eu And National Laws? By Or Brook & Magali Eben

Who Should Guard The Gatekeepers: Does The DMA Replicate The Unworkable...

The relationship between EU competition laws, national competition laws, and laws that regulate markets and market participants (e.g. unfair trading practices) has been on...
5-Interoperability as a Remedy in Antitrust Cases by Mitch Stoltz

Interoperability as a Remedy in Antitrust Cases

Interoperability between the products and services of different firms promotes competition by lowering switching costs. Requiring dominant firms to make their products interoperable, or...
1-Behavioral Insights in the DMA: A Good Start, but How Will the Story End? By Amelia Fletcher

Behavioral Insights in the DMA: A Good Start, But How Will...

The EU Digital Markets Act (“DMA”) contains several provisions which reflect important behavioral insights, and in particular the importance of choice architecture for end...

Value in Digital Platforms: The Choice of Tradeoffs in the Digital...

The Digital Markets Act makes clear choices about important tradeoffs in value to constrain the arbitrary power and dominance of gatekeepers over digital markets...
Of All the Products and Services in the Metaverse Whose Do You Prefer?

Hey Google/Siri/Alexa, of All the Products and Services in the Metaverse...

The Metaverse, voice assistants, smart automated vehicles, wearables, there are a number of visions of the future, but more important than which, if any,...
Antitrust Chronicle – Big Data – An Antitrust Perspective

ESports – Regulating Aspiring Gatekeepers?

By: Fabian Ziermann (D'Kart) First, what is eSports? Electronic Sports, commonly known as eSports, represents the competitive playing of video games. eSports has developed over the...

How Big Data Fuels Big Tech’s Anticompetitive Conduct and Gatekeeping Power

By: Charlotte Slaiman (ProMarket) Data is everything to a digital platform. It is the lifeblood, the currency, and the fuel that drives Big Tech and...
Antitrust Chronicle - Gatekeepers

Antitrust Chronicle® – Gatekeepers

Dear Readers, What is a gatekeeper? More than other terms of art that have gained currency in recent years, the notion of a “gatekeeper” holds...
Gatekeeper Regulation in the Digital Economy – The Pitfalls (and Opportunities) Ahead?

Gatekeeper Regulation in the Digital Economy – The Pitfalls (and Opportunities)...

Intense regulatory scrutiny on the digital economy and “Big Tech” companies has led to a raft of expert reports and regulatory proposals across the...
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