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5-A General Critique OF Potential “Behavioral Economics” Rationales for Regulating Big Tech: and Specific Possibilities By Timothy Brennan

A General Critique of Potential “Behavioral Economics” Rationales for Regulating Big...

While most regulatory scrutiny of the big tech sector is couched in terms of competition or lack thereof, behavioral economics may provide rationales outside...
The Antitrust Attack on Big Tech

The Antitrust Attack on Big Tech

The four major internet platforms – Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook – have in recent months been subjected to increasing attacks on antitrust grounds....
Taming Gatekeepers – But Which Ones?

Taming Gatekeepers – But Which Ones?

The allegedly entrenched positions of certain dominant companies in the digital economy and the alleged inability of antitrust enforcement to prevent potential anticompetitive conduct...

A Missed Opportunity

The House Report assembles a large amount of information about competition in digital markets and will be a valuable resource for those who want...
Antitrust Chronicle - We Need Rules to Rein in Big Tech

We Need Rules to Rein in Big Tech

What should the US do about Big Tech? This essay proposes ...
Mergers in High-Tech: A Response to Critics

Mergers in High-Tech: A Response to Critics

Faced with the growing power of tech giants, a number of antitrust analysts advocate for a reversal of the burden of proof in merger...
Beyond Killer Acquisitions: Are There More Common Potential Competition Issues in Tech Deals and How Can These Be Assessed?

Beyond Killer Acquisitions: Are There More Common Potential Competition Issues in...

How common are killer acquisitions in tech and are there alternative theories of harm that are likely to arise more frequently? We apply a...
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