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Tag: FTC

CPI TALKS: Interview with FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny

CPI TALKS: Interview with FTC Commissioner Terrell McSweeny – July 2016

In this interesting interview, Commissioner McSweeny addresses questions concerning unilateral conduct section investigations, the Sunshine laws, the Sharing economy andBrexit, among other topics. You can also...
FTC v. Penn State Hershey Medical Center: Third Circuit Appeal Could Lead to Important Decision for Future Hospital Mergers

FTC v. Penn State Hershey Medical Center: Third Circuit Appeal Could...

By Pete Levitas & Bryan M. Marra - On May 9, 2016, District Judge John E. Jones III of the Middle District of Pennsylvania denied a joint...

Mega-Mergers: Key Considerations to Take to Get your Deal Through

By Nikolaos Peristerakis, Tom McGrath & Fay Zhou - While there appears to be a consensus among regulators and practitioners that “big is not necessarily bad”...


In this issue: Withdrawal Symptoms: The Status of Section 2 Timothy Brennan, Jul 13, 2009 Predation, Exclusion, and Complement Market Monopolization The handling of cases under...


In this issue: Since the FTC is such a major part of the antitrust and consumer landscape, we couldn't let their 100th birthday pass without...

What a Difference a Year Makes: An Emerging Consensus on the...

Jonathan Kanter, Oct 15, 2013 These days, it is difficult to identify an antitrust issue that is generating more discussion than standard-essential patents. To some,...


In this issue: FTC 13(b): The Controversy Regarding Preliminary Injunctions Kyle Andeer, Apr 30, 2009 Another Look at Process: Is There Really a Difference between Merger Litigation...

U.S.-China Antitrust Cooperation: Onward and Upward

Dina Kallay, Feb 28, 2011 This brief note highlights some ongoing antitrust cooperation between the United States and China. Over the past twenty years, the...


In this issue: In August, the FTC and DOJ issued their new horizontal merger guidelines. In this special double issue, we explore if these new...


In this issue: Welcome to the home page of The CPI Antitrust Chronicle (formerly GCP Magazine).  In this issue, we're taking the first of what...
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