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Tag: Foreclosure

Vertical Mergers

Vertical Mergers and Input Foreclosure When Rivals Can Substitute Inputs: Safe...

By Serge Moresi & Marius Schwartz*   A vertical merger between a firm and an input supplier to that firm can generate efficiencies by eliminating double...

Invigorating Vertical Merger Enforcement

Posted by Social Science Research Network Invigorating Vertical Merger Enforcement By Steven C. Salop (Georgetown University) Abstract:     This short symposium article explains why and how vertical...

Intellectual Property and Competition Law

Posted by Social Science Research Network Intellectual Property and Competition Law By C. Scott Hemphill (New York University) Abstract:      This chapter, prepared for the Oxford...

Exclusion in Digital Markets

Posted by Social Science Research Network Exclusion in Digital Markets By Konstantinos Stylianou (University of Leeds) Abstract:     Exclusionary practices and effects are at the core of...

How Economics Can Improve Antitrust Doctrine towards Tie-In Sales: Comment on...

Dennis Carlton, Michael Waldman, Apr 01, 2005 Tirole has written an excellent primer focused on what is known about tying and what he believes is...
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