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Interview: Update on “Antitrust Sanctions”

Douglas Ginsburg, Joshua Wright, Jun 19, 2012 As part of our Spring 2012 issue, CPI is presenting a retrospective of our best articles in the...

Antitrust Criminal Sanctions: The Evolution of Executive Punishment (reprint)

Donald Klawiter, Jun 19, 2012 Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg and Professor Joshua D. Wright's excellent study of antitrust sanctions for corporations and individuals concludes with...

Antitrust Sanctions (reprint)

Douglas Ginsburg, Joshua Wright, Jun 19, 2012 In this article, we first discuss traditional deterrence theory as applied to optimal criminal antitrust penalties. Then we...

Compliance with Competition Rules The Way to Go

Ingrid Breit, Jeroen Capiau, Andrew Essilfie, Feb 22, 2012 Any effort by a company to ensure compliance with EU competition rules is important. But what...

Are We Winning the Fight Against Cartels?

Jeremy West, Feb 22, 2012 "In the last two decades, the world has seen the proliferation of effective leniency programs, ever-increasing sanctions for cartel offenses,...

Normative Compliance: The Endgame

Caron Beaton-Wells, Feb 14, 2012 One consequence of the overriding focus on deterrence is that it may detract from a focus on compliance. Compliance may...

Constant Vigilance: Maintaining Cartel Deterrence During the Great Recession

Margaret Levenstein, Valerie Suslow, Nov 05, 2010 Antitrust authorities around the world have continued to pursue illegal price-fixing throughout the economic crisis, but have also...

Recidivism Revealed: Private International Cartels 1990-2009

John M. Connor, Nov 05, 2010 The objective of this paper is to look for empirical regularities in the sample of 389 recidivists that engaged...

Antitrust Criminal Sanctions: The Evolution of Executive Punishment

Donald Klawiter, Nov 05, 2010 Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg and Professor Joshua D. Wright's excellent study of antitrust sanctions for corporations and individuals concludes with...

Improving Deterrence of Hard-Core Cartels

Mariana Tavares de Araujo, Nov 05, 2010 The purpose of this paper is to discuss Ginsburg's & Wright's proposal to enhance deterrence of hard-core cartels...
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