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Tag: Fines

India Competition Regulator Fines Google

India's competition regulator said on Thursday it has fined Google 13.38 billion Indian rupees ($161.95 million) for anti-competitive practices related to Android mobile devices. The...

Sources: Google May Face Antitrust Charges for Adtech Practices

Alphabet's Google unit may face EU antitrust charges next year regarding its digital advertising business, which means that the company is at risk for...
Collusion Fines in Mexico: Can Regulatory Changes Boost Deterrence?

Collusion Fines in Mexico: Can Regulatory Changes Boost Deterrence?

By Jacqueline Chacón1   Introduction Cartel formation is a surprisingly persistent economic practice around the world. The temptation to manipulate the conditions of the game in...
India’s Fair Market Regulator Needs to Define What is the Market Sin it has Penalized Amazon For

India’s Fair Market Regulator Needs to Define What is the Market...

By Subhomoy Bhattacharjee1   When France and Germany went to war in 1870, a London newspaper pithily remarked “The Liberal Empire goes to war on a...
Italian Competition Authority Misuse Personal Data

Italian Competition Authority Imposes Fines for Misuse of Personal Data:

By Laura Liguori, Enzo Marasà & Irene Picciano1   With a recent decision,2 the Italian Competition Authority (“AGCM” or “ICA”) brought renewed focus to the increasing...
Setting Fines Antitrust Cases Review Application 2006 Guidelines

Setting Fines in Antitrust Cases — A Review of the Application...

By Francesca Gentile, Raphael Reims & Petar Petrov1   Introduction According to Article 23(2)(a) Regulation No. 1/2003, the Commission may impose fines on undertakings and associations of...
China Law

Most Targeted Industries and Conduct in China’s Antitrust Investigations against Abuse...

By Cheng Liu, Yun Bi & Jeff Liu (King & Wood Mallesons, Beijing)1   I. INTRODUCTION The abuse of dominant market position is one of the significant...
Judge with gavel image.

Otis: Another Great Judgment on Private Enforcement from the CJEU… But...

By Miguel Sousa Ferro1 & Guilherme Oliveira e Costa2   Introduction 2019 was coming to its end when the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”)...
U.S. Cartel Investigations: The Next Big Thing?

U.S. Cartel Investigations: The Next Big Thing?

August 2019 CPI Cartel Column edited by Rosa M. Abrantes-Metz (Global Economics Group) & Donald Klawiter (Klawiter PLLC) presents: U.S. Cartel Investigations: The Next Big Thing?...

The EU Competition Law Notion “Undertaking” That Is Used To Determine...

March 2019 CPI EU News Column edited by Thibault Schrepel, Sam Sadden & Jan Roth (CPI) presents: The EU Competition Law Notion “Undertaking” That Is Used To...
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