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Tag: FCA

UK: FCA chief sets deadline for LIBOR replacement

The chief executive of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority, Andrew Bailey, spoke on Thursday at an event in London saying that the currency exchange...

UK: Regulator calls for radical shake-up of asset managers

A radical shake-up of the UK’s GB£7bn trillion (US$9.06 trillion) investment market has been ordered by Britain’s financial regulator in an attempt to stamp...

UK: FCA to launch platform competition review

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced plans to take a close look at whether competition is working effectively between online brokers, also known...

UK: Financial Conduct Authority to launch its first competition case

The FCA is preparing to go public with an investigation that uses new competition powers for the first time. The Times reports the investigation has...

Decision-Making Powers and Institutional Design in Competition Cases: The Application of...

Jackie Holland, Aurora Luoma, Sep 11, 2014 In the United Kingdom various sectoral regulators have concurrent power to apply EU and U.K. competition law alongside...

The Finnish Asphalt Cartel Court Decision on Damages: An Important EU...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle John M. Connor, Toni Kalliokoski, Feb 26, 2014 During 2002-2004, the Finnish Competition Authority...
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