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Tag: Fairness

4- Can We Get The Bias Out Of Our Ai? By Paola Cecchi Dimeglio

Can We Get the Bias Out of Our AI?

This article sheds light on how algorithms, originally intended to promote fairness and automation, can inadvertently perpetuate discrimination. By examining various domains such as...
Due Process in Competition Law Enforcement

Due Process in Competition Law EnforcementThe New OECD Recommendation on Transparency...

By Despina Pachnou1   Competition law enforcement is part of a country’s overall law enforcement and is shaped by a country’s legal system, history, and culture....
Digital Economy

Economic Evidence and the Rights of the Defense: UK vs EU...

May 2019 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: Economic Evidence and the Rights of the Defense: UK vs EU...

The Antitrust F Word: Fairness Considerations in Competition Law

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Antitrust F Word: Fairness Considerations in Competition Law By Sandra Marco Colino This paper explores value of fairness as a goal...

The Assessment of Fairness in Agricultural Markets

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Assessment of Fairness in Agricultural Markets By Mary Hendrickson, Harvey S. James & Christine Sanders (University of Missouri); Annette...

Towards Fairness and Transparency in Agency Antitrust Investigations and Cases

By Roy Hoffinger - As many jurisdictions enter the field of or intensify their enforcement of competition law, and agencies adopt decisions that benefit local competitors...

Procedure Transparency in the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Diana Tsai, Jul 15, 2015 In the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission, we trust that...

The Efforts of the JFTC Toward Promoting Procedural Fairness and Transparency...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Toshiyuki Nambu, Jul 15, 2015 HOW DOES THE CASE INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE OF THE JFTC...

Procedural Fairness in Competition Investigations: U.S. FTC Practice and Recent Guidance...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Paul O'Brien, Krisztian Katona, Randy Tritell, Jul 15, 2015 Procedural fairness has become an...

Procedural Fairness and Transparency in Antitrust Cases: Work in Progress

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Paul Lugard, Jun 16, 2014 There is broad consensus on the need for, and...
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