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Tag: Excessive pricing

GOODBYE Excessive Prices… as a Competition Law Infringement in Argentina

GOODBYE Excessive Prices… as a Competition Law Infringement in Argentina

By Esteban Greco & María Fernanda Viecens1   On February 23, 2023, Argentina’s Supreme Court upheld a decision that struck down the first and only sanction...

Excessive Drug Pricing as an Antitrust Violation

Posted by Social Science Research Network Excessive Drug Pricing as an Antitrust Violation By Harry First (New York University) It is nearly four years since Martin Shkreli...

Excessive Pricing in Pharmaceutical Markets

January 2019 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: Excessive Pricing in Pharmaceutical Markets By Pedro Caro de Sousa (OECD)1 Introduction This...

The CJEU’s Ruling in AKKA / LAA on Excessive Pricing: One...

March 2018 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: The CJEU’s Ruling in AKKA / LAA on Excessive Pricing: One...

Tying and Bundling Involving Standard-Essential Patents

Posted by Social Science Research Network Tying and Bundling Involving Standard-Essential Patents By Koren W. Wong-Ervin, Evan Hicks & Ariel Slonim (George Mason University) Abstract:  Competition agencies...

The antitrust duty to charge low prices

Posted by Social Science Research Network The antitrust duty to charge low prices By Ramsi Woodcock (Georgia State University) Abstract:     Antitrust’s embrace of the maximization of welfare in...

Further Reflections on the Impact of the EC Horizontal Cooperation Guidelines...

Richard Taffet, Feb 11, 2011 The European Commission has now issued its Guidelines on the applicability of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning...
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