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Tag: Essential Facilities Doctrine

ANTITRUST CHRONICLE April 2023 - Essential Facilities

Antitrust Chronicle® – Essential Facilities

Dear Readers, The essential facilities doctrine provides a generally recognized basis for imposing antitrust liability for unilateral refusals to deal. Classically, it has been claimed...
1-Essential Facilities And The Zombie Apocalypse By John M. Taladay

Essential Facilities and the Zombie Apocalypse

At its core, the essential facilities doctrine (“EFD”) invariably involves property rights. The idea is that a party that indisputably owns rights to certain...
2-Essential Facilities And The Law Of The Hammer By Thomas B. Nachbar

Essential Facilities and the Law of the Hammer

The essential facilities doctrine has received a resurgence of interest recently, especially with regard to platform markets. Many references to the doctrine exaggerate its...
5-The Essential Facilities Doctrine: From Locomotives To Search Engines By Stephen M. Maurer

The Essential Facilities Doctrine: From Locomotives to Search Engines

The Essential Facilities doctrine began as an effort to balance the efficiency of asset-sharing against the need to promote competition. In practice, however, judges...

The Resurrection of Essential Facilities Doctrine and Its Applicability in India

By Kalyani Singh The controversial essential facilities doctrine recently seems to have resurfaced amidst recent developments in competition law. Specifically, the doctrine has found itself...
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