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TechREG CHRONICLE - June 2023 - ESG

TechREG Chronicle® – Sustainable Technology and the Environment: Regulatory Initiatives

Dear Readers, “Environmental, Social and Governance” (“ESG”) is a broad term used for policies to promote social and environmental goals. While initially dismissed as a...
1-POLICY AND POLITICS: TWO SIDES OF THE ESG COIN? By Justin Stewart-Teitelbaum, Martin McElwee, Sarah Jensen, Justin Chen & Donna Faye Imadi

Policy and Politics: Two Sides of the ESG Coin?

Governments across the globe have adopted different approaches to spur innovative technologies to transition economies towards Net Zero. “Environmental, Social and Governance” (“ESG”) is...

European Commission Sets the Agenda: ESG Reporting Requirements in the EU...

As part of a general policy of improving transparency on environmental, social and corporate governance (“ESG”) matters, the EU has adopted a new law...
3-THE STATE OF ESG IN ANTIRUST IN EUROPE By Christian Ritz, Benedikt Weiß & Tim Büttner

The State of ESG in Antitrust in Europe

The interplay between ESG and competition law has gained increasing attention not only in academia but also in competition law enforcement practice. The complexities...

22 Attorney Generals Issue Antitrust Warning Over ESG Initiatives

A request has been made by approximately 20 states for insurance companies to provide documentation and communication regarding their commitment to reducing the use...
The Crossroads of ESG Collaboration and Competition Law

The Crossroads of ESG Collaboration and Competition Law

By Gaurav Desai, Shruti Bhat & Apurva Badoni1   I. Background Responsible investment is reshaping business models across the world and Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”)...

FDA’s Medical Interference, Time for ESG Antitrust Action and other commentary

By Editorial Board, NY Post Libertarian: FDA’s Medical Interference “Secreted within the 2023 omnibus appropriations bill,” notes Joel Zinberg in The Wall Street Journal, “is a 19-line...

Republicans Map Out Their Agenda On ESG

The Republican Party’s majority in the House of Representatives will take office in January, and some members and committees have already started laying out...

Republicans Think ESG Efforts May Violate Antitrust Laws

Several Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee are warning that corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts may run afoul of federal antitrust laws, if...

Republicans Vow To Use Their Oversight Powers “To Scrutinize Antitrust Violations...

US Republican lawmakers issued a warning to corporate law firms this week, opening a new front in a campaign against companies forming a new...
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