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5-Antitrust Enforcement: Leveraging Supply Chain Incentives- Serguei Netessine & Nitish Jain

Antitrust Enforcement: Leveraging Supply Chain Incentives

Antitrust regulations are meant to promote fair competition in the market, but balancing administrative and legal costs with enforcement can be difficult when multi-layered...
Does a Drop in Cartel Decisions Highlight Shifting Patterns of Engagement Between Competition Agencies and Companies?

Does a Drop in Cartel Decisions Highlight Shifting Patterns of Engagement...

By Wouter Meester and Daniel Westrik1   The withdrawal of a cartel case brought against Citigroup and Deutsche Bank in last February came as a surprise...
1- The Decline, Fall, and Renewal of U.S. Leadership in Antitrust Law and Policy

The Decline, Fall, and Renewal of U.S. Leadership in Antitrust Law...

The United States has lost its world leadership in antitrust, evidenced by its narrow conception of market power and its abuse.  This essay pinpoints...
2- A “Revitalization of Antitrust”: Tough Talk and Broad Promises in the First Year of the Biden Administration

A “Revitalization of Antitrust”: Tough Talk and Broad Promises in...

President Biden made vigorous antitrust enforcement a key pillar of his agenda during his first year in office, setting the tone himself in July...
5- Beginnings of an Antitrust Revolution? By Sandeep Vaheesan

Beginnings of an Antitrust Revolution?

President Biden made antitrust law — and reforming it — an important part of his administration’s agenda. Nearly nine months after he issued a...
3- Entering the Storm: An Overview of Recent Anti-monopoly Investigations in China By MA Chen & GUO Jiahao

Entering the Storm: An Overview of Recent Anti-monopoly Investigations in China

The current “anti-monopoly enforcement storm” was prompted by China’s top leadership in late 2020 under the policy objective of “preventing disorderly expansion of capital”. ...
Sustainability and Competition: How Competition Law Enforcement Needs to Be Overhauled to Achieve Sustainability Goals

Sustainability and Competition: How Competition Law Enforcement Needs to Be Overhauled...

By Roman Inderst2 & Stefan Thomas3   Austria and the Netherlands are two examples where since 2021 the goal of (ecological) sustainability has been enshrined in...
Balancing Public and Private Enforcement: Developments in Argentina, Brazil, and the EU

Balancing Public and Private Enforcement: Developments in Argentina, Brazil, and the...

By David Fila1   The last two decades have seen extraordinary legislative efforts in the European Union (EU) and Latin America to strengthen both public and...
6- Reflections on the EU’s AI Act and How we Could Make it Even Better By Meeri Haataja & Joanna J. Bryson

Reflections on the EU’s AI Act and How We Could Make...

Jurisdictions around the world are preparing regulations for artificial intelligence, as investments in AI technologies continue to increase as a source of efficiency and...
Antitrust Chronicle - Leniency

Mutual (Dis)Trust: EU Competition Law Enforcement In The Shadow of the...

By: Kati Cseres & Michael Borgers (Verfassungs Blog) Last week, the General Court of the European Union, in its judgment T-791/19 Sped-Pro, recognized for the first...
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