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Towards a Competition Culture Advocacy and Outreach in the South African...

Trudi Makhaya, Aug 27, 2012 When South Africa's modern competition regime came into effect, the country did not have much of a competition culture to...

Competition Advocacy at the Federal Trade Commission: Recent Developments Build on...

Tara Isa Koslov, Aug 14, 2012 Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act broadly empowers the Federal Trade Commission ("FTC" or "Commission") to prevent...

Introducing the First CPI Film Festival

Lindsay McSweeney, Sep 13, 2011 Presenting the CPI Film Festival A recurrent theme in global competition policy is the need to communicate—important not only for countries...

How Should Competition Law Be Taught?

Einer Elhauge, Apr 24, 2008 In a recent review of Global Competition Law and Economics, a book I co-wrote with Damien Geradin, John Kallaugher raises...
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