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Report on the ICN’s 17th annual conference

Report on the ICN’s 17th annual conference – By Olaf Wrede (Bundeskartellamt) The International Competition Network (ICN) held its 17th annual conference on March 21-23, 2018, hosted...

From student-athletes to employee-athletes: why a ‘pay for play’ model of...

Posted by Social Science Research Network From student-athletes to employee-athletes: why a 'pay for play' model of college sports would not necessarily make educational scholarships...


During this month, we've been publishing papers from competition authorities describing ways to educate an audience that may not even understand what "competition policy"...


It's far cheaper not to commit the crime then commit it and get caught. So it's no surprise that the savvier competition authorities spend...

Review of Elhauge & Geradin´s Global Competition Law and Economics

Nov 05, 2007 Professors Einer Elhauge and Damien Geradin begin the preface to their new casebook, Global Competition Law and Economics, by observing that no...

Teaching Antitrust in Bruges

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Philip Marsden, Jun 12, 2015 I teach the core competition law Masters at the...

Antitrust Educators Should Teach Cultural Differences in the Global Economy

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Paul Nihoul, Jun 12, 2015 As a Belgian, I am sensitive to the variety...

Then and Now: Teaching Antitrust for a New Generation of Law...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Andrew Gavil, Jun 12, 2015 Today’s antitrust world has been transformed in every dimension....

Antitrust Courses Can Teach Valuable Practical Skills—If Taught Well

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Steven Cernak, Jun 12, 2015 Law schools are being pushed by accreditation bodies, law...

Teaching Merger Law Through In-Class Simulations

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Spencer Weber Waller, Jun 12, 2015 This short article outlines how I have taught...
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