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Tag: Ecuador

M&A and Non-Compete Clauses in Ecuadorian Competition Law and Practice

M&A and Non-Compete Clauses in Ecuadorian Competition Law and Practice

By Luis Marin-Tobar & Daniela Irigoyen-Samaniego*   Ecuador has had a standing competition law since October 13, 2011, when the Organic Law for the Regulation and...
Merger Control Implementation Remedies Ecuador

Merger Control and the Implementation of Remedies in Ecuador: A Case...

By Luis Marin-Tobar1   Introduction Ecuador is close to reaching the ten-year anniversary of its first domestic competition law, the “Organic Law for the Regulation and Control...
ecuador flag

The Ecuadorian Agency Announces a Fast-Track Merger Proceeding

By Mario Navarrete Serrano (Pérez Bustamante & Ponce)1   On April 20, 2020, the Ecuadorian competition agency (Superintendencia de Control del Poder de Mercado – SCPM)...
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