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Brazil Passes New Natural Gas Law For Foreign Investors

Brazil’s lower house approved a new regulatory framework for the natural gas sector in the early hours of Wednesday, March 17, a move the...

How Horizontal Shareholding Harms Our Economy—And Why Antitrust Law Can Fix...

By Einer Elhauge, Harvard Empirical evidence that horizontal shareholding has created anticompetitive effects in airline and banking markets have produced calls for antitrust enforcement. In...
Combating Anti-Competitive Behavior Involving Algorithms: Platform Design and Organizational Process

Can Antitrust Laws Assist with the Economic Recovery?

By: John Pecman (C.D. Howe Institute) Antitrust enforcers have said they need to remain vigilant to protect consumers and assist with the recovery during the COVID-19...
China Law

China’s Regulators Break Down Xiao Jianhua’s Financial Empire

Chinese regulators on Friday, July 17, seized control of a group of financial institutions with connections to the same holding company, in a crackdown...
Digital economy

EC Expert Group Publishes Progress Reports On Online Platform Economy

The independent expert group of the Observatory on the Online Platform Economy has published today three draft progress reports, and are seeking stakeholder feedback....
Digital economy

EU Moves To Shrink Foreign Influence In Its Economy

The European Union plans to tighten its defenses against subsidized foreign companies, marking a sharp increase in the bloc’s effort to assert “strategic autonomy”...

US: Delrahim delivers remarks on antitrust & innovation in the digital...

In remarks delivered at the University of Haifa in Israel on Wednesday, October 17, the US Department of Justice’s Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim...

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says it’s time for the US...

Posted by Business Insider Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says it's time for the US to update its antitrust laws By Richard Feloni & Andy Kiersz There are...

Amazon’s Antitrust Antagonist Has a Breakthrough Idea

Posted by The New York Times Amazon’s Antitrust Antagonist Has a Breakthrough Idea By David Streitfeld The dead books are on the top floor of Southern Methodist...

Japan: Banks appeal merger denial by regulator

Two small Japanese banks made a fresh appeal on Monday, May 7, to be allowed to combine and pledged to ease antitrust concerns, as...
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