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UK Lawmakers Say More Antitrust Probes Will Boost UK Economy

A group of UK lawmakers have urged the country’s antitrust watchdog to open more investigations to help boost the economy. The Business, Energy and Industrial...

AI in the Common Interest

By: Gabriela Ramos & Mariana Mazzucato (Project Syndicate) LONDON – The tech world has generated a fresh abundance of front-page news in 2022. In...

Building a Metaverse World with a Real-World Economy

By PYMNTS When Kevin Beauregard talks about the economy of his forthcoming racing game, ExoGP, the CEO of gaming developer Atmos Labs wants to talk about ownership, not earning. The...

Proposed Antitrust Legislation Threatens To Harm US Tech Startups And The...

By Ike Brannon, Forbes The recently-released GDP estimates revealed that the economy contracted for the second quarter in a row, and some economists fear that...

German Economy Minister Looks To Strengthen Antitrust Laws

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck plans to present concrete proposals to tighten the nation’s antitrust laws and give the Federal Cartel Office more powers,...

China To Delay Tech Giants Regulation As Economy Slows

China is preparing to hit pause on its monthslong campaign against technology companies, according to people familiar with the matter, as officials seek to...

The Sharing Economy and Competition

By Max Huffman (Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law) The chapter deals with the topic of the sharing economy, with an emphasis on...

Antitrust Can Hurt U.S. Competitiveness

By Robert D. Atkinson, Wall Street Journal When it comes to technology and the economy, the U.S. is grappling with two contradictory goals: competing with China...
Data Privacy and Competition Protection in Europe: Convergence or Conflict

The EU Regulation Of The Data-Driven Economy

By Bjorn Lundqvist (Stockholm University) Powerful platforms that ‘hoard’ data in ecosystems, prevents the possibility to access or port data, or restrict interoperability may...

EU To Approve Member States’ Recovery Plans By Summer

The European Commission intended to approve the European Union's member States' recovery and resilience plans by summer and then begin to disburse funds from...
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