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Tag: Economic Analysis

Is it Time to Exclude Experts Who Ignore the Multisided Platform...

David Evans, Mar 13, 2013   In the next several columns I am going to develop the argument that the economics profession now knows that many...
Digital Economy

Regional Competition Center for Latin America presents Guidelines on quantitative techniques...

Dec 13, 2012 Regional Competition Center for Latin America Presents: Guidelines on quantitative techniques for competition analysis - Prepared by the CRCAL* *David Card,...

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2012

Competition policy is increasingly taking on a more prominent role worldwide. Since the CPI Journal started in 2005, the number of authorities that oversee...

Joseph Schumpeter on Competition (reprint)

Jun 19, 2012 During the 1980s, there began a spirited revival of interest in the writings of Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950), spurred by renewed attention to...

Why and How to Use Empirical Screens in Antitrust Compliance

Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Feb 14, 2012 Despite their success in many respects, antitrust compliance programs seem to play a minor role in detecting and possibly deterring...

Behavioral Economics, Consumer Protection, and Antitrust

Michael Salinger, Apr 01, 2010 In both consumer protection and antitrust, the use of standard economic analysis has generally been to limit the scope of...

Merger Trials: Looking for the Third Dimension

Vaughn Walker, Apr 30, 2009 I do not argue here that concern about judicial competence regarding complex economic evidence is without substance. Nor do I...

Joseph Schumpeter on Competition

Thomas McCraw, Nov 01, 2008 During the 1980s, there began a spirited revival of interest in the writings of Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950), spurred by renewed...

Schumpeterian Competition and Antitrust

Herbert Hovenkamp, Nov 01, 2008 Joseph Schumpeter´s vision of competition saw it as a destructive process in which effort, assets, and fortunes were continuously destroyed...

Injecting Innovation into The Rule of Reason: A Comment on Evans...

Richard Gilbert, Nov 01, 2008 The Evans and Hylton paper on The Lawful Acquisition and Exercise of Monopoly Power and its Implications for the Objectives...
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