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Italian and European Merger Review: Are There Differences and, If Yes,...

Alessandra Tonazzi, Jun 28, 2013 In a general report issued at the beginning of October 2012, the Italian Competition Authority ("ICA") proposed to introduce some...

Same Rules, Double Enforcement: A Comparative Analysis of European Union and...

Francesco Russo, Claudio Tesauro, Jun 28, 2013 Competition law enforcement in the European Union is based on a system of parallel competences in which the...

Dealing with Protectionist Threats in EU Mergers and Acquisitions: Member State...

Pedro Callol, Jun 28, 2013 Article 21 of EC Regulation 139/2004, on the control of concentrations between undertakings ("ECMR") is a provision which application appears...

Not Enough Girls in the Club: The European Antitrust Approach Towards...

Christian Ahlborn, Christoph Barth, Jun 17, 2013 Long before the era of e-commerce, girls would be let into nightclubs for free (or get bonus drinks)...

The Troika’s Influence on Irish Competition Policy

Sinead Eaton, Jun 13, 2013 When extending the bailout facility availed of by Ireland, the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, and Commission of the...

A Bananas Judgment: Denying a Parent Company Access to a Related...

Laura Atlee, May 14, 2013 Back in 2007 the European Commission ("EC") initiated proceedings against a number of companies involved in the banana market alleging...

Hurry Up and Wait

Stephen Kinsella, Mar 19, 2013 In this issue we have a range of articles and perspectives on how interim measures can work in antitrust proceedings....

The European Commission’s Practice Under Article 9 Regulation 1/2003: A Commitment...

Paul Lugard, Martin Mollmann, Apr 01, 2013 No less than three recent high profile cases have put the EU antitrust commitment procedure in the spotlights....

From Microsoft to Google Continued Divergence in Transatlantic Antitrust Settlements?

Jose Gonzalez-Magaz, William Gordon, Mar 28, 2013 Parties seeking dual settlements with the European Commission and the U.S. antitrust agencies are challenged by their differing...

A Plea for Plea Bargaining Closing the Gaps Between the EU’s...

Ken Daly, Mar 28, 2013 In laudable efforts to increase its output, the European Commission has developed three tools-leniency, settlements, and commitments-to help it discover...
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