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The Damages Lie in the Details: Why the Proposed Directive Fails...

Hans Friederiszick, Aug 12, 2013 One of the two main objectives of the proposed EU Directive ("EU Directive") is to ensure effective compensation of victims...

The Binding Nature of NCA Decisions in Antitrust Follow-on Litigation: Is...

Stefano Grassani, Aug 12, 2013 The European Commission believes that-given the procedural asymmetries between plaintiffs and defendants-public enforcement of antitrust law by national competition authorities...

Can We Rely Only On Effects-Based Analysis? Comments On Geradin And...

Paulo Furquim de Azevedo, Jul 28, 2013 So common and yet so controversial. Vertical restraints are among the contractual forms that Ronald Coase ironically called...

To Issue Or Not To Issue Guidance: Comments On Geradin And...

Seth Sacher, Jul 28, 2013 In a recent working paper, Damien Geradin and Caio Marioda Silva Pereira Neto (hereafter GN) argue that the Brazilian competition...

For A Rigorous “Effects-Based” Analysis Of Vertical Restraints Adopted By Dominant...

Damien Geradin, Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto, Jul 28, 2013 his short paper summarizes the main findings of a comprehensive study the authors conducted...

Now the Commission Wants Compensation Too The Commission as Private Damages...

Ruchit Patel, Paul Stuart, Jul 15, 2013 In February 2007, the European Commission (the "Commission") adopted an infringement decision finding that a number of manufacturers...

EU Court Narrows Scope of the De Minimis Principle

Cormac Little, Jul 15, 2013 A recent court decision has significantly narrowed the application of the de minimis principle under EU competition rules. In late 2012,...

How to Enhance the Enforcement of EU Competition Law in the...

Mariana Tavares, Jun 28, 2013 In 2012 a new Portuguese competition act (Law 19/2012) was enacted and entered into force introducing changes both to the...

Cooperation, Convergence, and Conflicts? The Case of EU and National Merger...

Andreas Bardong, Jun 28, 2013 The mantra of international merger control has been cooperation, convergence, and comity. Within the European Union, coherence is another widely...

Competition Advocacy in France: A Leverage for Compliance with EU Law?

Liza Bellulo, Jun 28, 2013 The Autorité de la concurrence has been entrusted with an advisory role for 26 years, but since 2008 this function...
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