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Attorney-Client Privilege in Competition Law Proceedings: Primed for Convergence? An Example...

By Russell Damtoft & Paul O’Brien (United States Federal Trade Commission)1 Attorney-client, or legal professional privilege, is a critical aspect of due process in competition...

The Case for Global Best Practices in Antitrust Procedural Fairness

Posted by Social Science Research Network The Case for Global Best Practices in Antitrust Procedural Fairness By D. Daniel Sokol Procedural fairness and its two component parts,...

Testimony on International Antitrust Enforcement

Posted by Social Science Research Network Testimony on International Antitrust Enforcement By Koren W. Wong-Ervin (George Mason University) Abstract:     Prepared Statement of Koren W. Wong-Ervin, Antonin...

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Abroad: Due Process, Public Interest Factors, and...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Abroad: Due Process, Public Interest Factors, and Extra-Jurisdictional Remedies  By Koren W. Wong-Ervin (George Mason University) Abstract:...
China’s Fair Competition Review: Introduction Imperfections And Solutions

China’s Fair Competition Review: Introduction, Imperfections And Solutions

By Yong Huang and Baiding Wu - In recent years, the issue of “fair competition review” has become a key priority for the Chinese Central...


In this issue:   Debate about due process has heated up in recent months. Our guest editor, Paul Lugard, has organized a special issue that highlights...

EU Cartel Fining Laws and Policies in Urgent Need of Reform

Karl Hofstetter, Nov 25, 2009 The criticisms against the cartel fining policies of the European Commission are mounting. Feeling the heat, the Commission is finally...

Procedural Fairness and Transparency in Antitrust Cases: Work in Progress

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Paul Lugard, Jun 16, 2014 There is broad consensus on the need for, and...

Due Process in Chinese Competition Law Regime

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Michael Han, Janet (Jingyuan) Wang, Jun 16, 2014 The People's Republic of China adopted...

Nine Modest Suggestions for the New EU Commissioner for Competition

Paul Lugard, Feb 23, 2010 This contribution includes some modest suggestions for areas where the new Commissioner and his staff may direct their attention. However,...
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