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Tag: Donald Trump


Government Amicus Efforts Show Antitrust Policy Via Advocacy

By Stefan M. Meisner, Michelle Lowery & Anthony S. Ferrara (Antitrust Alert) Under the administration of President Donald Trump, the US Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division has...

Why Donald Trump Nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court

Posted by The New Yorker Why Donald Trump Nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court By Amy Davidson Sorkin Donald Trump walked into the East Room of...

US: Trump administration to block Chinese tech Investments

The US Treasury Department is reportedly gearing up to announce rules that would prevent companies with 25% or more Chinese ownership from purchasing a...

US: Judge blocks AT&T’s request to see White House Call Logs

A judge on Tuesday, February 20, denied AT&T’s request to see White House communications that might shed light on whether US President Donald Trump pressured...

US: Trump’s FTC appointee eyes drug prices

President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the Federal Trade Commission (FCT) said he’s “very concerned” about price increases for prescription drugs and will explore...
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