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Regulatory Humility: Should Legislators Rethink Plans to Overhaul Online Marketplaces?

Regulatory Humility: Should Legislators Rethink Plans to Overhaul Online Marketplaces?

Over the past several decades, tech companies have innovated to provide great products to consumers for free. While most people are happy about this, politicians seem not...
Mobile Ecosystems: Competition and Transparency

Mobile Ecosystems: Competition and Transparency

This article presents propositions about competition and transparency in the mobile ecosystem consisting of various submarkets. Facilitating competition is a major goal of competition...
Revising the Competition Law Rulebook for Digital Markets in Europe: An Update

Revising the Competition Law Rulebook for Digital Markets in Europe: An...

By Kris Van Hove, Argyrios Papaefthymiou, and Margot Vogels1   I. Introduction The present article provides an update of the ongoing process taking place in Europe that...
1- The EU's Proposal for a Digital Markets Act an Ex Ante Landmark

The EU’s Proposal for a Digital Markets Act – an Ex...

The Digital Markets Act proposal released by the European Commission on December 15, 2020 will likely become a landmark in the regulation of digital...
2- The Prohibition of Price Parity Clauses and The Digital Markets Act

The Prohibition of Price Parity Clauses and The Digital Markets Act

Platforms have imposed price parity clauses on sellers, which restrict how sellers can set retail prices. These clauses have been found to be anti-competitive...
Effects Based Approach is Required if the DMA is to Foster Innovation

The European Union’s Big Policy Bet Against the Tech Giants

By: Philip Hanspach & Nicolas Petit (Oxford Business Law Blog) At a roundtable in Brussels in May, NYU law Professor Harry First described the European Union’s proposed...
The EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA)

The Digital Markets Act (DMA): A Procompetitive Recalibration of Data Relations?

By Philipp Bazenov (New York University) Since its publication in December 2020, the European Commission’s regulatory proposal for a Digital Markets Act (DMA) continues to...
Data Regulation: Understanding The Present To Regulate The Future

Data Regulation: Understanding The Present To Regulate The Future

What does existing data regulation tell us about data regulation in tech industries? Basically, that shortcuts do not exist. Data is not a commodity....
Effects Based Approach is Required if the DMA is to Foster Innovation

Becoming the DMA: The Parliament’s Compromise (For Now)

By: Philipp Bongartz (D'Kart) Originally, the DMA was meant to create harmonised rules ensuring contestable and fair markets in the digital sector. Critics pointed to...
Will the DMA Deliver on its Promises? Part I: Substantive Aspects (or Markets Do Not Become Contestable by Decree)?

Will the DMA Deliver on its Promises? Part I: Substantive Aspects...

By: Pablo Ibañez Colomo (Chilling Competition) As the legislative train carries on its journey towards the adoption of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), academics, stakeholders...
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