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Tag: Diversification

Analyzing Vertical Mergers

Diversification Is At The Heart Of Competition

By: Richard N. Langlois (Truth on the Market) Market share has long been the talisman of antitrust economics.  Once we properly define what “the product” is,...

Common Ownership and Competition: Facts, Misconceptions, and What to Do About...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Common Ownership and Competition: Facts, Misconceptions, and What to Do About It - Background paper for OECD Hearing on...

Internet Appendix for: ‘Anticompetitive Effects of Common Ownership’

Posted by Social Science Research Network Internet Appendix for: 'Anticompetitive Effects of Common Ownership' By José Azar (University of Navarra), Martin C. Schmalz (University of Michigan)...

Reply to: ‘Common Ownership Does Not Have Anti-Competitive Effects in the...

Posted by Social Science Research Network Reply to: 'Common Ownership Does Not Have Anti-Competitive Effects in the Airline Industry' By José Azar (University of Navarra), Martin...

Anti-Competitive Effects of Common Ownership

Posted by Social Science Research Network Anti-Competitive Effects of Common Ownership By José Azar (University of Navarra), Martin C. Schmalz (University of Michigan) & Isabel Tecu ...
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