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Tag: Digital Platforms

When “Free” Is Not “Free”

When “Free” Is Not “Free”

Consumers on the Internet routinely give away data — information about their habits, preferences, purchasing patterns, contacts and more — in return for “free”...
Free Isn’t Free: Digital Platform Data Practices and Australia’s Unfolding Regulatory Response

Free Isn’t Free: Digital Platform Data Practices and Australia’s Unfolding Regulatory...

Since the release of its Digital Platforms Inquiry Final Report in 2019, the ACCC has continued to be active in investigating digital platform market...
Free as Air?

Free as Air?

“Free” once had a simple meaning – something without constraint whatsoever, as in “free as air.” At times, some have suggested that antitrust enforcement...
Digital EU - EU Reveals Details Of Their Digital Services Act

The European Digital Markets Act: A Revolution Grounded on Traditions

By Alexandre de Streel (University of Namur) & Pierre Larouche (Université de Montréal) The last three years have seen a legislative acceleration in tech regulation...
Dark Patterns as an Antitrust Violation

“Something Is Happening Here but You Don’t Know What It Is....

Internet users surfing from one website to another, or using various web-enabled applications, regularly encounter “dark patterns” — web-design choices that trick users into...
Disruptive Innovations Digital Platforms Epic Games Apple Rappi iFood

Disruptive Innovations on Digital Platforms: Lessons from Epic Games v....

By Victor Oliveira Fernandes*   Invoking core insights from theories of disruptive innovation in order to explain competition among digital platforms has become commonplace in competition...

FTC’s Khan Says Digital Platforms To Blame For Surge In Consumer...

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chairwoman Lina Khan took aim at big technology companies in her first appearance before Congress as the agency’s head, saying...
Effects Based Approach is Required if the DMA is to Foster Innovation

A More Flexible, Effects Based Approach is Required if the DMA...

By Felipe Florez Duncan & Gareth Shier1   In a recent “myth-busters” post on LinkedIn, Thierry Breton claims (in reference to the Digital Markets Act, “DMA”)...

China Fines Digital Platforms Over Unapproved Deals

Didi, Tencent, and Alibaba are among Chinese digital companies being fined by China’s official market regulator — the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR)...

Regulating Online Platforms: A Balanced Approach for South Korea – Transcript...

Below, we have provided the full Korean translation of the transcript of our panel discussion Regulating Online Platforms: A Balanced Approach for South Korea....
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