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Tag: Digital Markets

ACCC's Continued Digital Inquiry App Stores and Choice Screens

The ACCC’s Continued Digital Inquiry: App Stores and Choice Screens

By Jacqueline Downes, Felicity McMahon, William Georgiou & Melissa Camp1   I. Introduction This piece builds on our previous article2 covering the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's...
Digital Markets National Enforcement Global World

Digital Markets: The Challenges of National Enforcement in a Global World

The proliferation of measures across the globe designed to address concerns about the functioning of digital markets has been remarkable. In the last 18...
Controlling Market Power in Digital Business Ecosystems

Controlling Market Power in Digital Business Ecosystems: Incorporating Unique Economic and...

Digital business ecosystems (“DBEs”) reflect the culmination of progressive changes in business models over the last 40 years. Coupled with the unique economic characteristics...
US Law

Republicans: US FTC Chair Khan Is Overstepping Her Power

Republicans at the US Federal Trade Commission told Congress that the agency's Democratic leadership has been moving too quickly on decisions, leaving too little time for...
Self-Preferencing Antitrust Harmful Solutions

Self-Preferencing and Antitrust: Harmful Solutions for an Improbable Problem

Platforms, including vertically integrated platforms, are ubiquitous — both in the modern economy, and throughout history. While some such firms have managed to capture...
Unilateral Conduct Gap Sacrificing Interoperability Innovation

The Unilateral Conduct Gap Sacrificing Interoperability and Innovation

The Sherman Act and related antitrust jurisprudence have proven flexible and capable of balancing competitive effects of virtually any kind of concerted conduct among...
Competition Tools for Digital Markets Mexico Section 94

Competition Tools for Digital Markets in Mexico: Section 94 of the...

By Alejandra Palacios1 Digital markets share several economic characteristics that are manifested in isolation in traditional markets, but which come together in the digital environment:...
Section 230 Protects Speech Not Business Models

Section 230 Protects Speech, Not Business Models

Properly interpreted, Section 230 is not "anticompetitive" because it does not advantage one business or set of businesses over others that operate in the...

The Proposed Digital Markets Act (DMA): A Legal and Policy Review

By Nicolas Petit (European University Institute) In December 2020, the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”) was proposed. It was prepared by the European Commission (“EC”) following...
2021 ECJ Antitrust Horizons – Selected Key Evolutions and Developments

2021 ECJ Antitrust Horizons – Selected Key Evolutions and Developments

In 2021, EU antitrust horizons will be wide and enthralling: EU competition law and the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European...
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