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Tag: Digital Era

The Dawn of a New Digital Age: Key Learnings from Recent Actions in the Digital Sector in China

The Dawn of a New Digital Age: Key Learnings from Recent...

By Michael Han, Caroline Huang, Bivio Yu, Joy Wong, & Karina Zhou1   In line with global developments, China’s antitrust authority, the State Administration for...
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European Competition Policy in Digital: What’s Next?

August 2019 CPI Europe Column edited by Anna Tzanaki (Competition Policy International) & Juan Delgado (Global Economics Group) presents: European Competition Policy in Digital: What’s Next? By Nicolas Petit (University...

Crémer Report on Competition for the Digital Era Misses the Mark

By Jacqueline Yin (Project DisCo) One year after the Commissioner Margrethe Vestager appointed academics to look at competition challenges in the digital space, their long-awaited...
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