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Tag: Digital Economy

Revamp of the EU's Rules on Vertical Agreements: It's About the (Digital) Economy, Stupid!

Revamp of the EU’s Rules on Vertical Agreements: It’s About the...

By: Kaan Gürer (D'Kart) The VBER sets out the conditions under which vertical agreements can be exempted from the prohibition in Art. 101(1) TFEU. The much-awaited...

New Data City: The future of the digital CBD as a...

By Jason Potts & Trent MacDonald (RMIT Universit) The growth of the digital economy and advances in AI make data an increasingly useful and valuable...
Will the Digital Markets Act Kill Innovation in Europe

Will the Digital Markets Act Kill Innovation in Europe?

By Pierre Larouche* & Alexandre de Streel+   In December 2020, the European Commission proposed an ambitious new set of rules, the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”),1...
Digital world

Antitrust and Restrictions on Privacy in the Digital Economy

By Nicholas Economides (New York University) & Ioannis Lianos (University College London) We present a model of a market failure based on a requirement provision...
Do Algorithms Communicate With Each Other and What Does This Mean for the Application of Competition/Antitrust Law?

Do Algorithms Communicate With Each Other and What Does This Mean...

One of the issues for discussion among scholars of competition law in the digital space is collusion, and the ineffectiveness of competition law to...
Recent Developments in Competition Law and Policy in the Digital Economy in Japan

Recent Developments in Competition Law and Policy in the Digital Economy...

In Japan, a new law for regulating digital platforms called the DP Act became effective on February 1, 2021. The discussion is going on...
Taming Gatekeepers – But Which Ones?

Taming Gatekeepers – But Which Ones?

The allegedly entrenched positions of certain dominant companies in the digital economy and the alleged inability of antitrust enforcement to prevent potential anticompetitive conduct...

France Has New Deputy Head Of The Digital Economy Unit

Elodie Vandenhende has been appointed to the newly created position of Deputy Head of the Digital Economy Unit, at Autorite de la Concurrence. The Digital...

Antitrust is Poised for Change: How Far Will It Go?

A lively debate about the effectiveness of current antitrust laws and enforcement capabilities has erupted in the U.S., focused in particular on the competitiveness...
Competition Policy In Digital Markets: The House Report

Competition — And Competition Policy — In Digital Markets: The House...

The House Antitrust Subcommittee Report makes clear the weakness not just of competition in the tech sector, but also of competition policy toward the...
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