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How Much Should Control Turn on Ownership? The Alienation of Copyrighted...

Ariel Lavinbuk, May 28, 2013 In Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons Inc., the Supreme Court held that the Copyright Act's first-sale doctrine applies to...

Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons: The Supreme Court Saves the...

Brian Willen, May 28, 2013 For hundreds of years, the "first sale" doctrine has been central to copyright law. It helps reconcile a fundamental tension...

Rethinking a Digital First Sale Doctrine in a Post-Kirtsaeng World: The...

John Villasenor, May 28, 2013 In 1908, the Supreme Court articulated the first sale doctrine, holding inBobbs-Merrill Co. v. Straus that a copyright owner's "right to...

Three Thoughts About Kirtsaeng

Aaron Panner, May 28, 2013 In Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., the Supreme Court decided by a 6-3 margin that the "first sale" doctrine,...
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