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Tag: Democracy

Democracy, Inequality, and Antitrust

By Michael O. Allen, Kenneth Scheve & David Stasavage, Yale University & New York University (NYU) This paper investigates the relationship between democracy and antitrust...

Antimonopoly: A Master Narrative For Democracy?

By: Barry C. Lynn (Democracy/Open Markets Institute) Storytelling is the essence of politics. In stable times, politicians can spend their hours detailing how they plan...
Competitor Collaboration in Mexico The Case for Upgrading Regulation

Antitrust And Labor Movements Return to Their Roots

By: Brian Callaci (Democracy Journal) With Congress gridlocked, hopes for progressive legislation has turned to state and local governments. True to form, the traditional leaders,...

Antitrust and Democracy: A Case Study from German Fascism

Posted by Social Science Research Network Antitrust and Democracy: A Case Study from German Fascism By Daniel A. Crane (University of Michigan) In the recent political discourse...
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