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Interim Relief And Protection Of Confidential Information In Eu Cartel Decisions: A New Love Story?

Interim Relief And Protection Of Confidential Information In Eu Cartel Decisions:...

By Kyriakos Fountoukakos & Camille Puech-Baron - Imagine you are the lawyer advising a multinational company that was sanctioned by the European Commission for participating...
Cracks in the Finish: Affirming Fundamental Rights in the Cement Cartel Case

Cracks in the Finish: Affirming Fundamental Rights in the Cement Cartel...

By Kyle Le Croy -  This paper summarizes the recent judgment of Court of Justice of the European Union in the Cement Cartel case. The Court affirmed that...

Microsoft after Fifteen Years

Keith N. Hylton, March 20, 2016 United States v. Microsoft Corp. (Microsoft III) is now fifteen years old, and that I would write such a...

Huawei v ZTE – No More Need to Look at the...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle James Killick, Stratigoula Sakellariou, Oct 27, 2015 Industry standards are crucial for economic development—they...

EU Competition Enforcement and Compliance with Fundamental Rights’ Standards: The Challenge...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Arianna Andreangeli, Jul 15, 2015 The question of the compliance of the framework and...

Ashcroft v. Iqbal: Taking Twombly a Step Further

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Caroline Mitchell, David Wallach, Jul 29, 2009 On May 18, 2009, in a 5-to-4...

No Restitutionary Remedy for the Victims of the Vitamins Cartel: The...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Stephen Wisking, Nov 29, 2008 The Court of Appeal's decision makes is clear that...

Microsoft and the Court of First Instance: What Does it All...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Renata Hesse, Oct 03, 2007 As someone who has spent a considerable portion of...

Strong Spine, Weak Underbelly: The CFI Microsoft Decision

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Harry First, Sep 28, 2007 INTRODUCTION The CFI's decision in Microsoft came as something...


In this issue: More on Microsoft Harry First, Sep 28, 2007 Strong Spine, Weak Underbelly: The CFI Microsoft Decision The CFI's decision in Microsoft came as something of...
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