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Rethinking a Digital First Sale Doctrine in a Post-Kirtsaeng World: The...

John Villasenor, May 28, 2013 In 1908, the Supreme Court articulated the first sale doctrine, holding inBobbs-Merrill Co. v. Straus that a copyright owner's "right to...

Three Thoughts About Kirtsaeng

Aaron Panner, May 28, 2013 In Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., the Supreme Court decided by a 6-3 margin that the "first sale" doctrine,...

Design Copyright: The Latest Judicial Hint

Scott Hemphill, Jeannie Suk, May 28, 2013 Earlier this year, in an important copyright ruling, the Supreme Court dropped a puzzling clue about copyright for...

A Bananas Judgment: Denying a Parent Company Access to a Related...

Laura Atlee, May 14, 2013 Back in 2007 the European Commission ("EC") initiated proceedings against a number of companies involved in the banana market alleging...

The Court of Justice’s Judgment in Allianz Hungria is Wrong and...

Patrick Harrison, May 14, 2013 The Court of Justice's March 2013 judgment in Allianz Hungária may constitute the single most significant development in EU competition law...

Interim Relief Before the EU Courts: Three Great Fundamentals and Two...

Eric Barbier de La Serre, Mar 19, 2013 Before the EU Courts, nearly all applications for interim relief-including those made in major competition law cases-are...

Interim Measures in Greek Competition Law

Lia Vitzilaiou, Mar 19, 2013 The provisions on interim measures of Greek competition law have been the object of much debate and legislative change over...

Regional Competition Center for Latin America presents: First Seminar for Latin...

Alain De Remes La Brely, Rodrigo Rios, Mar 14, 2013 Regional Competition Center for Latin America Presents: First Seminar for Latin American Judges to...

Did the D.C. Circuit Gut the CFPB?

David Evans, Feb 05, 2013   Did the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) receive an appointment that violated the U.S. Constitution? A recent...

Joint Venture Subsidiary What’s the Difference for Cartel Liability and Fines?

Laura Atlee, Apr 17, 2012 Parent liability in cartel infringement proceedings has been the focus of quite a number of our commentaries. Starting with the Akzo...
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