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Tag: Debit Cards

What Twitter, the London Stock Exchange, and eHarmony Have in Common...

Nov 12, 2013 What Twitter, the London Stock Exchange, and eHarmony Have in Common and Why the Capital Markets Industry Should Care - David S....

What the Court’s Expert in the Interchange Fee Litigation Said about...

David Evans, Sep 10, 2013   Last week a court appointed expert in the interchange fee litigation in the United States submitted a memorandum that evaluated...

How Card Regulation is Killing Competition

David Evans, Aug 06, 2013   If you think there isn’t enough competition in the payments industry, just wait a few years - there will be...

Payment Card Regulation and the Use of Economic Analysis in Antitrust

Jean Tirole, Mar 30, 2011 A key input of our modern economies, payment cards are ubiquitous; debit and credit cards offer a wide range of alternatives...

Payment Card Regulation and the Use of Economic Analysis in Antitrust

Jean Tirole, May 20, 2011 To view a streaming, live presentation on June 15 of the special CPI/Pymnts Brussels conference on The Impact of Interchange...

Interchange Fees: Optimal Regulation

Panelists analyze various theories on interchange, focusing in particular on the tourist test. Thibaud Vergé notes that the tourist test doesn’t work well in all...

MIF: The Root of Evil or Just a Scapegoat?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Lia Vitzilaiou, May 27, 2008 Multilateral interchange fees and their appropriate regulation under EC...

Comments on the European Commission’s MasterCard Decision

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Michael Katz, Apr 03, 2008 On December 2007, the European Commission issued its decision...

The European Commission’s Decision in MasterCard: Issues Facing the Payment Card...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle John Wotton, Apr 02, 2008 The Decision in MasterCard displays a fundamental divergence between...

The European Commission’s Ruling in MasterCard: A Wise Decision?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Wilko Bolt, Apr 01, 2008 Payment pricing and competitive efficiency have recently attracted a...
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