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Tag: Data Protection

Irish Data Protection Commission Looks To Fine LinkedIn $400M

Microsoft plans to challenge the preliminary decision and penalty issued by the Irish DPC and intends to strongly defend itself if it becomes a...

German Watchdog Publishes Report On Data Protection, Transparency And Interoperability

On Wednesday Germany's Bundeskartellamt published the final report on its sector inquiry into messenger and video services. Andreas Mundt, President of the Bundeskartellamt: “Messenger and video...
Privacy Protections Through Antitrust Enforcement By Daniel A. Hanley & Karina Montoya

Privacy Protections Through Antitrust Enforcement

Daniel A. Hanley & Karina Montoya comment on how antitrust enforcement can operate as a vital supplement providing consumers with robust privacy protections, despite...
Towards Data Portability And Interoperability Under Brazilian Competition Law: Crafting Appropriate Legal Standards For Abuse Of Dominance By Victor Oliveira Fernandes

How Can Competition Policy And Privacy Protection Policy Interact?

While some initially argued that privacy was distinct and independent from competition enforcement, market realities and digitization have since then forced regulators to reflect...
Towards Data Portability And Interoperability Under Brazilian Competition Law: Crafting Appropriate Legal Standards For Abuse Of Dominance By Victor Oliveira Fernandes

Towards Data Portability and Interoperability Under Brazilian Competition Law: Crafting Appropriate...

A crucial area of complementarity between competition and data protection law regimes is ensuring greater data mobility through data portability, interoperability, and open data...
Data Protection

The Need For Employee-Specific Data Protection Law: Potential Lessons From Germany...

By: Halefor Abraha, Michael Silberman & Jeremias Adams-Prassl (European Law Blog) It has long been recognised that personal data processing in the employment context has...

EU Data Protection Laws Impacts Small e-Commerce Companies

Analytics. Mikel Lindsaar, CEO and Founder of StoreConnect, has the solution for small- to mid-size e-Commerce businesses in the US where they can own...

Italian Regulator Fines Foodinho Over Data Privacy

Food delivery startup Foodinho was hit with a €2.6 million (US$3.1 million) fine by Italy’s data protection watchdog following a probe of the delivery...
Italian Competition Authority Misuse Personal Data

Italian Competition Authority Imposes Fines for Misuse of Personal Data:

By Laura Liguori, Enzo Marasà & Irene Picciano1   With a recent decision,2 the Italian Competition Authority (“AGCM” or “ICA”) brought renewed focus to the increasing...
Data Sharing for Digital Market

Narrowing Data Protection’s Enforcement Gap

By Filippo Lancieri (University of Chicago) The rise of data protection laws is one of the most profound legal changes of this century. Yet, despite...
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