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1- Proposals for Digital Regulation in the UK: Some Trade offs and Challenges

Proposals for Digital Regulation in the UK: Some Trade-offs and Challenges

In this paper we consider the proposals in the UK for regulation of the most powerful digital firms. We examine some key areas of...
2- Is loss of privacy the price that consumers pay for otherwise free online services

Is Loss of Privacy the Price that Consumers Pay for Otherwise...

One of the consumer harms from monopoly online platforms commentators point to is the loss of privacy. That is, privacy is a dimension over...
3- Data Privacy and Competition Theories of Harm and Data Mobility

Data, Privacy, and Competition: Theories of Harm and Data Mobility

The dynamics of competition in data-powered ecosystems are motivated by user-related network effects and centered around users. Incumbent platforms thus have incentives to build...
4- Limited Development of Big Tech Firms in Credit Activity Lack of Iincentives or Barrier to Entry

Limited Development of Big Tech Firms in Credit Activity: Lack of...

The limited expansion of Big Tech into retail banking activities in the EU (and the U.S.) is, at first sight, a puzzle.  Big Tech...
5- Steering Digital Markets Towards Development

Steering Digital Markets Towards Development

Following a preliminary scoping of South Africa’s digital economy, the South African Competition Commission (“CCSA”) launched its market inquiry into digital markets earlier this...
6- Competition Policy Response to Digital Based Business Expansion in Brazil

Competition Policy Response to Digital Based Business Expansion in Brazil

This note discusses recent developments at the Brazilian Antitrust Authority – CADE – on handling digital markets and platform cases. It provides a brief...
logo European summer school and conference 2018

CRESSE Summer School Interview With CPI

In May, CPI conducted in interview with Yannis Katsoulacos, the founder and organizer of the CRESSE Annual International Summer School and Conference in Competition...
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