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Tag: CRAs


In this issue: This issue, sponsored by Rosa Abrantes-Metz, takes a global look at the vexing question of an essential—but contentious—oligopoly, the credit rating agencies....


In this issue: For our summer finale, we present an antipasto of three mini symposia. The first includes papers inspired by the recent OECD conference,...


In this issue: Financial institutions are under regulatory scrutiny like never before, and competition authorities are front and center. Editorial Board Member Nicolas Petit has...


A number of entities are not very happy these days with the big three credit rating agencies. And that displeasure is stretched pretty much...

Is There Misdiagnosis and Mistreatment in the Market for Credit Ratings?

Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Dec 30, 2013 Credit Rating Agencies were at the center of the recent financial crisis, with some critics going so far as to blame...

Is There Misdiagnosis and Mistreatment in the Market for Credit Ratings?

Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Nov 27, 2013 Credit Rating Agencies were at the center of the recent financial crisis, with some critics going so far as to blame...

Manipulation of Product Ratings: Credit-Rating Agencies, Google, and Antitrust

Mark Patterson, Apr 17, 2012 The important competitive role played by information providers like credit-rating agencies is not matched by a well-developed competition analysis for...

Credit Rating Agencies and Competition Law

Norman Neyrinck, Nicolas Petit, Apr 17, 2012 Editor's Note: This paper was originally published in the August 2011 issue of the CPI Antitrust Chronicle; however,...

The Credit Rating Agencies: How Did We Get Here? Where Should...

Lawrence White, Apr 17, 2012 The three major credit rating agencies-Moody's, Standard & Poor's ("S&P"), and Fitch-have attracted an increasing amount of media attention over...

The Performance of Corporate Credit Ratings

Albert Metz, Apr 17, 2012 Following the performance of structured finance securities in general and residential mortgage-backed securities ("RMBS") related securities in particular, the reputations...
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