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Can the President of the United States Order the Attorney General...

Anant Raut, Oct 31, 2011 Last month, 15 Democrats and 100 Republicans signed separate letters endorsing the proposed AT&T-T-Mobile merger and urging the Obama administration...

Design and Implementation of Screens and Their Use by Defendants

Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Sep 28, 2011 Over the last few years, economic analysis in general, and empirical screens in particular, have become increasingly important in cases...

The Sherman Act’s Criminal Extraterritorial Reach: Unresolved Questions Raised By United...

Anthony Biagioli, Mark Popofsky, Aug 30, 2011 Over the last decade, the Department of Justice's ("DOJ's") vigorous criminal antitrust enforcement-driven by amnesty for the first...

Online Distribution of Copyright Works: Judge Chin Rejects Google Books Settlement

Isabel Davies, Holly Strube, Jun 22, 2011 In the first article on this topic, we discussed the position following the first draft settlement agreement in...

Revise or Start Anew? Pondering the Google Books Rejection

Timothy Brennan, Jun 22, 2011 I earlier commented on economic issues in the proposed settlement. Here, I want to focus on economic aspects of the...

After Google Book Search: Rebooting the Digital Library

Randal Picker, Jun 22, 2011 After more than a year of silence, on March 22, 2011, Judge Denny Chin rejected the proposed settlement in the...

The Rejection of the Amended Google Book Settlement Agreement: A Librarian’s...

Mark Giangrande, Jun 22, 2011 Much of the discussion surrounding the ASA considers the economic power that Google would have if it was approved and...

The Google Book Settlement & the Uncertain Future of Copyright

Gina Durham, Debbie Rosenbaum, Jun 22, 2011 In March of this year, the District Court for the Southern District of New York rejected the proposed settlement...

Google Books: Game and Set to the Sceptics; the Match Continues

Ian Forrester, Jun 22, 2011 There is no doubt that the grand idea of scanning millions of books and making them available to the world's...

Lightening Up on Market Definition

David Evans, Jun 01, 2011 This article proposes a resolution to the longstanding controversy between courts, economists, and antitrust authorities over the appropriate role of...
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