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Tag: Court of First Instance

Will There Be Article 82 Guidelines and What Are the Implications?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Liza Lovdahl-Gormsen, Apr 15, 2008 The question that is the title of this article...

Will There Be Guidelines on Article 82 of the EC Treaty?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Cani Fernandez, Apr 16, 2008 During the 1990s, the European Commission started to reform...

Non-contractual liability of the European Community in competition matters: The aftermath...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Aitor Montesa Lloreda, Feb 05, 2008 The recent European Court of First Instance (CFI)...

The Microsoft Judgment: Article 82 Revisited?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Denis Waelbroeck, Jan 25, 2008 The judgment of the European Court of First Instance...

The CFI Decision in Microsoft: Why the European Commission’s guidelines on...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Frederic Jenny, Jan 28, 2008 The Court of First Instance's Microsoft decision provided the...

Spain Appeals European Commission Decision Against Telefonica

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Robert Klotz, Nov 26, 2007 The Spanish Government recently decided to lodge an appeal...

Microsoft and the Court of First Instance: What Does it All...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Renata Hesse, Oct 03, 2007 As someone who has spent a considerable portion of...

Strong Spine, Weak Underbelly: The CFI Microsoft Decision

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Harry First, Sep 28, 2007 The CFI's decision in Microsoft came as something of...

The EU Microsoft Antitrust Case

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Nicholas Economides, Sep 20, 2007 On September 17, 2007, the European Commission's (EC) antitrust...

Competition Policy in Europe: Harming Incentives to Innovate

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Daniel Spulber, Sep 18, 2007 The European Court of First Instance, through its decision...
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