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Antitrust & Corruption: Overruling Noerr

By Tim Wu, (Columbia University) We live in a time when concerns about influence over the American political process by powerful private interests have reached...

Corruption & Antitrust: The Case of Anti–Competitive State Aid

Posted by Social Science Research Network Corruption & Antitrust: The Case of Anti–Competitive State Aid By Jesús Alfonso Soto Pineda Sr. (Universidad Externado de Colombia) Abstract:  ...

Antitrust v. Anti-Corruption Policy Approaches to Compliance: Why Such A Gap?

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Florence Thepot, Jun 30, 2015 One of the striking differences between competition law and anti-corruption...

Antitrust Compliance 2.0: The Use of Structural Analysis and Empirical Screens...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Elizabeth Prewitt, Jun 30, 2015 Collusion among bidders is a recurring problem...
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