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Tag: Consumer Welfare

The Regulation of Interchange Fees by the U.S. Federal Reserve Board:...

David Evans, Robert Litan, Richard Schmalensee, Mar 30, 2011 The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ("Board") is the latest of a series...

A Clear Vision for the ICN’s Second Decade

Sophie Mitchell, Jul 14, 2011 The tenth annual conference of the International Competition Network ("ICN") held in The Hague, The Netherlands, in May 2011, marked...

The Regulation of Interchange Fees by the U.S. Federal Reserve Board:...

David Evans, Robert Litan, Richard Schmalensee, Mar 30, 2011 The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ("Board") is the latest of a series...

A First Principles Approach to Antitrust Enforcement in the Agricultural Industry

Geoffrey Manne, Joshua Wright, Apr 29, 2010 In March 2010, the Department of Justice ("DOJ") and the United States Department of Agriculture began a series...

Identifying, Challenging, and Assigning Political Responsibility for State Regulation Restricting Competition

Maureen Ohlhausen, Nov 01, 2006 This paper examines the role of competition advocacy in combating anticompetitive state regulation. Looking at the constraints facing competition officials...

The Impact of Behavioral Economics on Consumer and Competition Policies

Eliana Garces, Apr 01, 2010 Interesting questions are being asked about the policy implications of relaxing commonly held assumptions about how people make decisions. If...

Nine Modest Suggestions for the New EU Commissioner for Competition

Paul Lugard, Feb 23, 2010 This contribution includes some modest suggestions for areas where the new Commissioner and his staff may direct their attention. However,...

Competition and Innovation: A Non-Zero Sum Approach to Economic Growth

Shanker Singham, Jan 26, 2010 Consumer welfare, which should be the guiding principle of competition policy implementation, is often mistaken for consumer protection.Whereas consumer protection...

Price Discrimination and Welfare

Barry Nalebuff, Nov 01, 2009 Elhauge (2009) provides a wide-ranging article that is impressive both in its clarity and its holistic attack on the practice...

Vertical Restraints and Competition Policy Internet Sales, a New Dimension to...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Kornel Mahlstein, Mar 12, 2009 The internet expands the size of the market and...
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