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Tag: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

1-Junkyard Dogs: The Law And Economics Of “Junk” Fees By Howard Beales & Todd Zywicki

Junkyard Dogs: The Law and Economics of “Junk” Fees

The notion of “junk” fees is a fine piece of rhetoric, but useless as an analytical tool. Many fees identified as junk impose costs...
2-The War On So-Called “Junk Fees”: Who’s Fighting And What’s At Stake? By Donnelly McDowell & Andrew Stivers

The War on So-Called “Junk Fees”: Who’s Fighting and What’s at...

It’s easy to decry “junk fees,” and both the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) have done just that...
4-President Biden Joins Federal Agencies Fighting Against Surprise Fees Harming American Consumers By Ed Mierzwinski

President Biden Joins Federal Agencies Fighting Against Surprise Fees Harming American...

The fight over junk fees has escalated in the last few years. Corporate efforts to maximize revenue by hiding price increases have drawn opposition...

Chopra Testifies The Agency Aims To Scrutinize Big Tech

According to a report from Reuters, the head of the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), Rohit Chopra, will tell lawmakers the agency seeks...

How to Economize Consumer Protection

Posted by Social Science Research Network How to Economize Consumer Protection By Michael R. Baye (Indiana University) & Joshua D. Wright (George Mason University) The US antitrust...

Rise of the digital regulator

Posted by Social Science Research Network Rise of the digital regulator By Rory Van Loo (Boston University) Abstract:     The administrative state is extending its reach through...

Pandora’s digital box: The promise and perils of digital wallets

Posted by Social Science Research Network Pandora's digital box: The promise and perils of digital wallets  By Adam J. Levitin (Georgetown University)  Abstract:     Digital wallets,...
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