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Tag: Consumer Data

Debunking the Myths Over Big Data and Antitrust

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Maurice Stucke, Allen Grunes, May 29, 2015 What are the implications of big data...

Big Data in a Competition Environment

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Deborah Feinstein, May 29, 2015 The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is one agency with...

The FTC as Guardian of Privacy and Data Security

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Paul Ohm, May 13, 2014 In this article, I focus my remarks on the...

The Intersection of Consumer Protection and Competition in the New World...

Julie Brill, May 20, 2011 Privacy issues are becoming increasingly important during this time of rapid technological advance. This article addresses the important question of how the...

Applications Want to be Free: Privacy Against Information

Michael Hammock, Paul Rubin, May 20, 2011 The debate over online privacy pays too little attention to the costs and benefits of the current systems of...

The Intersection of Consumer Protection and Competition in the New World...

Julie Brill, May 20, 2011 Privacy issues are becoming increasingly important during this time of rapid technological advance. This article addresses the important question of how the...
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