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1-TechREG Talks… …with Katharine Kemp, Philip Marsden & Jacqueline Downes

TechREG Talks… with Katharine Kemp, Philip Marsden & Jacqueline Downes

In this edition of CPI TechREG Talks, we have the pleasure of presenting a summary of a discussion with Philip Marsden and Allens partner...

“A Rose by any Other Unique Identifier”: Regulating Consumer Data Tracking...

Representations in online privacy policies that certain data is anonymous or “not information that personally identifies you” can have significant consequences. They may indicate...
CCPA and Competition: The Value of Consumer Data Privacy and Pricing

CCPA and Competition: The Value of Consumer Data, Privacy, and Pricing

Much like how there was debate in the past on whether the goals of antitrust and intellectual property law were incompatible or complimentary, we...

EU: Lawmakers press Zuckerberg on antitrust concerns

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg faced tough questions from EU lawmakers during a meeting with the Conference of Presidents of the Political Groups of the...

Big Data, Big Concerns?

By Maikel Van Wissen & Lodewick Prompers -  The role that big data plays in the financial services industry is changing at a rapid pace. Data...

Online Advertising Platforms and Personal Data Retail: Consequences for Antitrust Law

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Marcela Mattiuzzo, Jul 24, 2015 It is not surprising how much attention has been...

Privacy Considerations in European Merger Control: A Square Peg for a...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Richard Pepper, Paul Gilbert, May 29, 2015 It is now trite to observe the...

No Such Thing as a Free Search: Antitrust and the Pursuit...

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Alec J. Burnside, May 29, 2015 What is true of “free” lunches is true...

The Proper Role of Privacy in Merger Review

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Darren Tucker, May 29, 2015 There have been increasing calls for the Federal Trade...

Big Data as a Barrier to Entry

This article is part of a Chronicle. See more from this Chronicle Robert Mahnke, May 29, 2015 So-called “big data” has been a technological development for...
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