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Tag: Compliance

Crediting Corporate Compliance Programs in Criminal Antitrust Cases: How Strong a Wind of Change? By Brent Snyder & Jordanne M. Miller

Crediting Corporate Compliance Programs in Criminal Antitrust Cases: How Strong a...

This article examines the U.S. DOJ’s 2019 revision to the Principles of Federal Prosecution of Business Organizations related to antitrust compliance programs, concerns about the revision’s...
Integrating Competition Compliance Into the Busines By Noah A. Brumfield

Integrating Competition Compliance Into the Business

Corporate compliance programs are increasingly the norm, but with great variety among them.  What it means to have an effective antitrust compliance program, however,...
Designing a Compliance Policy, the French Approach By Marianne Faessel & Henri Piffaut

Designing a Compliance Policy, the French Approach

Compliance is the outcome of interactions between firms and competition authorities. For a competition authority to design compliance policy instruments requires understanding the origins...
Competition Compliance: The Path Travelled and the Way to Go…The CNMC’s Experience By Cani Fernández Vicién

Competition Compliance: The Path Travelled and the Way to Go…The CNMC’s...

Compliance is every effort an authority does to increase awareness on the importance of competition law, its benefits, and the consequences of infringements. The main...
Antitrust Compliance in Brazil By Alexandre Cordeiro Macedo & Aldén Caribé de Sousa

Antitrust Compliance in Brazil

Antitrust compliance programmes are not mandatory in Brazil. Nevertheless, the Brazilian antitrust authority, CADE, pays special attention to them. In this regard, CADE institutionally...
Competition Compliance in Brazil: Retrospective and Perspective By Mariana Tavares de Araujo & Gabriela Costa Carvalho Forsman

Competition Compliance in Brazil: Retrospective and Perspective

CADE has been one of the lead authorities in Brazil to disseminate a compliance culture through its rules, guidance, and case law, which evolved...
What Can Make Competition Compliance Programmes Really Effective? By Sabine Zigelski & Lynn Robertson

What Can Make Competition Compliance Programmes Really Effective?

This article draws the business community’s and competition agencies’ attention to selected topics that would benefit from more attention when considering effective competition law...
The New Transatlantic Attack on High Prices Price Gouging

The New Transatlantic Attack on High Prices: Price Gouging

The COVID-19 outbreak has generated a surge of consumer complaints and governmental investigations about excessive pricing and price gouging. Anti-price gouging laws seek to...

If Past is Prologue, Ramped up Antitrust Compliance is Critical

By: Stefan M. Meisner & Lisa P. Rumin (Antitrust Alert) The COVID-19 pandemic has brought not only a healthcare crisis, but also one...

Understanding AI Collusion and Compliance

Posted by Social Science Research Network Understanding AI Collusion and Compliance By Justin P. Johnson (Cornell University) & D. Daniel Sokol (University of Florida) Antitrust compliance scholarship,...
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