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Criminal Competition Act Amendments Come into Force June 23rd – Increased...

By: (Canadian Competition Law) The criminal amendments to the Competition Act will take effect on June 23, 2023. These amendments were passed on June 23,...
Section 48A of the Amended Competition Act – A “Settlement” on Quicksand?

Section 48A of the Amended Competition Act – A “Settlement” on...

By Anisha Chand & Tanveer Verma1   On March 29, 2023, the Lower House of the Indian Parliament passed significant amendments to the Competition Act,...

Ottawa Launches Formal Review Of Competition Act

Ottawa has formally launched a long-promised consultation on updating Canada’s competition laws, a review that comes against the backdrop of high-profile files including a...

Canada Launches Review Of Competition Act

Canada has announced the launch of the review of the Competition Act, which “is a critical step in achieving our government’s commitment to improve...
Proposed Revision of the Efficiency Defense for Mergers in Canada’s Competition Act

Proposed Revision of the Efficiency Defense for Mergers in Canada’s Competition...

By Calvin Goldman, Richard Taylor, Nicolas Cartel, & Larry Schwartz1   In response to the consultation process initiated by Senator Howard Wetston “to promote additional...
Canada Looks at Revising Its Competition Act

Canada Looks at Revising Its Competition Act

By Thomas W. Ross1   Momentum is building for a potentially far-reaching review of Canada’s competition regime.2 Canada does not modify its competition statute frequently. The...

Germany’s Pressing Ahead: The Proposal for a Reformed Competition Act

By Rupprecht Podszun & Fabian Brauckmann (Heinrich Heine University)1 Germany’s Ministry of Economics has published its draft for the 10th amendment of the German competition...
Bathtub Conspiracies – An Indian Competition Law Perspective

Bathtub Conspiracies – An Indian Competition Law Perspective

By Ravisekhar Nair & Aakarsh Narula - The Competition Commission of India (“CCI”) has become one of India’s most active regulators. The wide-ranging commercial implications...
Indian Merger Control – One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Indian Merger Control – One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

By Naval Satarawala Chopra & Aparna Mehra - This article addresses the trends and challenges of the merger control regime in India.The merger control regime...

Indian Competition Law: Awaiting Judgment

By Nisha Kaur Uberoi - Recent orders of the COMPAT will certainly shape competition law jurisprudence in India and bring the CCI’s decision-making process at par...
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